Sunday Worship
Worship at Immanuel
“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”
1 Chronicles 16:29
Worship at Immanuel
Worship at Immanuel is a time for our community to gather together to bring praise to God, to share our lives and stories with each other, and to hear what God has to say to us through the Bible. Our hope is that worship mirrors our relationship with God, and so gives us opportunity as a community to pray, sing, reflect, lament, offer, listen, and respond to the challenges of the Bible. Through the Holy Spirit, we pray that our worship will transform our lives so that we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Worship Team
Worship is led by Immanuel’s own Worship Team, an inter-generational group of instrumentalists and singers who combine their skill and love for God to encourage and support the congregation’s singing. We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings for rehearsal.
For more information, please contact the Administrative Assistant.