Join Our Team
Lead Pastor
read below for details
We are looking for a new lead pastor!
We are a medium sized congregation, located on the border of Brampton and Caledon. We have a staff ministry team that seeks to make God's kingdom evident among us in the ways we relate to one another, to our community, and to the creation. "Transforming lives - experiencing God in a way that transforms the way we live…" is our goal.
Through preaching the Word and administering the sacraments, and through encouragement of ministry staff and all members of the congregation, the lead pastor will oversee the church's formal in reach and outreach ministries, promote the healthy informal ministries that all of us owe one another and our neighbours, and continually encourage the congregation to live up to our vision and mission in our personal lives and participate in the strategies by which the church attempts to implement its vision and mission in its ministries and programs.
Interested pastors ordained in the Christian Reformed Church are invited to send inquiries to Richard Vanderkloet, Search Team chair at chairofsearchteam@immanuelcrc.ca
Our church profile can be accessed here.
Our Mission and Vision can be accessed here.
The full job description is available by request to Richard Vanderkloet (email noted above).