Meet the Staff
“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”
Psalm 34:8
Meet the Staff
Joe Abbey-Colborne
Pastor Joe has been serving Immanuel as the part-time interim Pastor since 2022. His breadth of experience working with marginalized folks on the streets of Toronto, pastoring a small church and preaching for about a year in the Oakville CRC has given him a unique and compelling way to share the Gospel., and we are blessed through his weekly messages, and his warm engagement in our community.
Joe and his wife Donna have been wonderfully active in the life of Immanuel! They live in Toronto, and have two adult sons.
Karen Piccolo
Karen Piccolo is Immanuel's Ministry Director, and has been on staff since January of 2019. Karen and her family began worshipping at Immanuel in 2010, and she has served on Executive Council, has been involved in strategic planning and leadership development, and is a Youth leader and GEMS Counselor. Karen loves working in this community, and is excited to be part of God's good plans for Immanuel. She has three adult children, recently moved to Caledon, and is happiest when hanging out with her kids and their partners, as well as her two young grandchildren!
Sharon Bergsma
Sharon Bergsma joined the staff in October 2021. A life time member of Immanuel, Sharon and her husband Henry, along with their adult son Daniel, are all active members of the Immanuel community. Both Sharon and Daniel use their gifts on the Worship Team, and Henry has served on Council. They also have a married daughter and three granddaughters who bring much joy to their family! Sharon is very happy to be serving Immanuel CRC in this role and welcomes the opportunity to work for her community.