Welcome to Immanuel…

Training people to love like Jesus and bring hope, healing and wholeness to the world.

Sunday services @ 10 AM

"The Fruit of the Spirit


It's Always Been About Love

Galatians 5:13-26

Why "Fruit"? 

Through the Season of Lent this year we will reflect on the Fruit of the Spirit, drawing heavily from Paul's description in Galatians 5. Paul lists so many qualities and they are easily turned into a children's song and memorized - which is handy.

"...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."

For many of us it might stop there. (It might even make a nice plaque for somewhere in our house.) 

But why does Paul talk about this at all - and why does he say it to the Galatians when he does? And what might this mean for the rest of us?

If we take his description seriously; really unpack it - does it reveal something rich about the work of God in our lives?

And why "fruit"?  The first attribute Paul names is "love".  Love is ... nice. 

Why does he lead with that? Does the order of the attributes matter?

The whole world talks about love. 

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love" We all want more love in our lives. We want people to be more loving. We probably try to be as loving as we can. But... what IS love? How do you know you are loved? 

How do you know you are being 'loving"?

We will make time each week in Lent to consider all the attributes Paul describes, in the context of a struggling little community of faith, that was trying to hold on to what was most important.

And why "fruit"?



Upcoming 10 am Services

(Pastor Joe Abbey-Colborne unless otherwise noted)

Sunday, March 16 - “Fruit of the Spirit…Joy & Peace”

Sunday, March 23 - “Fruit of the Spirit…Patience & Kindness”

Sunday, March 30 - “Fruit of the Spirit… Generosity & Faithfulness”

Sunday, April 6 - “Fruit of the Spirit…Gentleness & Self Control”

Sunday, April 13 - Palm Sunday

Friday, April 18 - Good Friday

Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday

God is in the business of transforming — recreating, rebuilding, and renewing all kinds of things: lives, friendships, marriages, organizations, cities, tribes, and nations. He invites us to participate with him in this. He calls it “following him." We call it our mission.


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Enjoy church online each Sunday! Watch our services at home at 10 AM each week.


Beliefs and Values

Our church name is Immanuel which means “God with us.” Our name is one of our foundational beliefs – that God is with us in everything that happens. Immanuel is one of the names of Jesus, God’s own Son, who came into this world . . .



Missed last weeks sermon? No need to worry, we’ve got them all archived here on our site — click the link below to listen to past Sermons that you may have missed, or simply to re-view them again. View live Sermons every Sunday at 10AM.


New to Immanuel

New to Immanuel and have some questions? Where is the church? How to dress? Well, we have answers! Visit our frequently asked questions page to learn more about Immanuel Christian Reformed Church.


Worship at Immanuel

Worship at Immanuel is a time for our community to gather together to bring praise to God, to share our lives and stories with each other, and to hear what God has to say to us through the Bible. Our hope is that worship mirrors our relationship with God, and so gives us opportunity as a community to pray, sing, reflect, lament, offer, listen, and respond to the challenges of the Bible. Through the Holy Spirit, we pray that our worship will transform our lives so that we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ our Saviour.


Serving at Immanuel

New to Immanuel and have some questions? Well, we have answers! Click the link below to view our frequently asked questions to learn more about Immanuel Christian Reformed Church!


“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”

1 Chronicles 16:29

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