Register for Sunday Worship

Caring, Connecting and Communicating

Reduced Capacity Services

Join us Sunday at 10AM
Register to attend an upcoming live service by filling in the following form.
Please ensure you read the guidelines section below before attending.

Live Sunday Worship Registration



Immanuel CRC leadership, after inviting input and researching best practices, has decided on the following interim re-opening plan. Feedback indicates that many/most of you are content to continue worshipping at home via Youtube. This plan includes live worship for up to 50 people which will take place on a weekday evening and allows for a continued airing of a worship service video on Sunday mornings.


Maximum capacity: 50 congregants, plus staff and worship team


Please do not attend in person if:

  • You have travelled outside of Canada within 14-days from the date of the service.

  • You are displaying signs of COVID-19 including: elevated temperature, cough, shortness of breath, muscle ache, runny nose

  • You have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19

  • You or someone in your household has been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting results


Please consider not attending if:

  • You are 65 and over

  • You have an underlying health condition


We are all responsible to follow the protocols listed above and below. We must do everything we can to keep each other safe.


  1. Please email Nicole Vroom if you plan to attend – If we reach 50 congregants, you will be added to the list for the following week.

  2. We will track actual attendance at the service.

  3. Families are welcome, but your children will need to stay with you during the service.

  4. Mail slots will be closed

  5. We will set up for and practice physical distancing, and the wearing of a face mask is required.

  6. Everyone will enter through the south facing doors, which will be labelled and propped open to eliminate touching of the doors.

  7. Everyone will exit through the west facing doors, which will be labelled and propped open to eliminate touching of the doors.

  8. Follow the direction arrows on the floor for entry and exit into the sanctuary.

  9. Everyone will utilize the hand sanitizer before entering the sanctuary. 

  10. Fill the chairs by walking to the furthest open spot, to prevent having to pass each other to get to a seat. Only touch the chair you will be using, unless you are moving one for a member of your family.

  11. Only the single person family washroom will be available, and only for emergencies. You will be asked to sanitize the washroom following use.

  12. The rest of the church building will be off limits.

  13. Exit protocols – we will leave the building immediately following the service, row by row, starting with the people closest to the exit door, please maintain physical distancing as you exit.

  14. Please maintain physical distancing in the parking lot.