Welcome to Immanuel…
Training people to love like Jesus and bring hope, healing and wholeness to the world.
Sunday services @ 10 AM
Join us Sunday at 10 am
Sunday, January 12
The Book of James
Acts 15:5-22
Welcome to 2025!
It’s the beginning of a new year.
We’ve been through a lot of difficult change - with more work to come. During times of transition and challenge it can be helpful to go back to the beginning - to consider again first principles - to help us orient ourselves and pick our way through the complex path ahead.
The Book of James is a letter that doesn’t usually get much attention, and yet it's packed with practical and challenging wisdom on how to live day by day, what priorities to set as we do the work of the people of God.
Who was James? and how did this wisdom come to his life?
This Sunday will offer an introduction to James and a summary of the letter. I would encourage everyone to read the whole letter (it’s only 5 chapters).
What jumps out at you? Does anything resonate or attract you to it? What challenges you? Or makes you uncomfortable? Does James seem to disagree with any other New Testament writers?
In preparation for this Sunday, read Acts 15. Who was James and why did he carry such authority in the early church? What might the church look like today if they had made a different decision?
Want to go deeper? read the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
Over the next 7 Sundays, our deep dive into “James” will take us up to the beginning of Lent.
~ Pastor Joe
Upcoming Services
(Pastor Joe Abbey-Colborne unless otherwise noted)
Sunday, January 19 - Sunday, February 23
The Book of James
God is in the business of transforming — recreating, rebuilding, and renewing all kinds of things: lives, friendships, marriages, organizations, cities, tribes, and nations. He invites us to participate with him in this. He calls it “following him." We call it our mission.
Beliefs and Values
Our church name is Immanuel which means “God with us.” Our name is one of our foundational beliefs – that God is with us in everything that happens. Immanuel is one of the names of Jesus, God’s own Son, who came into this world . . .
Missed last weeks sermon? No need to worry, we’ve got them all archived here on our site — click the link below to listen to past Sermons that you may have missed, or simply to re-view them again. View live Sermons every Sunday at 10AM.
New to Immanuel
New to Immanuel and have some questions? Where is the church? How to dress? Well, we have answers! Visit our frequently asked questions page to learn more about Immanuel Christian Reformed Church.
“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”
1 Chronicles 16:29
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