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Training people to love like Jesus and bring hope, healing and wholeness to the world.
Sunday services @ 10 AM
Join us Sunday at 10 am
Sunday, February 9th
James 4:13-17, 5:1-6, 5:7-11
How do we choose what is most valuable, over what is most costly?
James was writing to early Jewish followers of Jesus who had been persecuted and scattered across the Roman Empire. They were driven out by their own people, and were despised and often taken advantage of by the Gentile folks around them. Life was hard, and it was tempting to seek assurance and security in wealth. James' wisdom reminds us that financial wealth promises only an illusion of security, and a false sense of control.
More seriously, the temptations around money can subtly deflect us from the work God is doing in our lives, and his call to partner with him in blessing the world. This can lead us to act unjustly toward those who are most vulnerable to us, and can tempt us to treat people as tools for our use, or obstacles to our own gain.
James is speaking words of wisdom and encouragement into a difficult situation. He reminds us of the uncertainty of riches; and the need for Jesus followers to submit their wealth, and even their capacity to earn, to the Lord's will.
We may say that Jesus is Lord, yet, there are few things that so effortlessly displace Christ from the throne of our lives than money. Because of this, a healthy relationship to wealth also demands our rigorous honesty, and complete submission.
"Wherever your treasure is your heart will be there too."
- Matthew 6
Want to read a little deeper? Matt 6:19-21, 6:28-34, and 24:9-13
Want to read ahead for next week? "Integrity; the Heart of Wisdom"; James 3:13-18, 4:1-10, & 5:19-20, and Matt 5:3-11, 6:24, & 18:15
Want to be challenged around money and wealth? Ask Jesus each day what he may be trying to teach you especially about money, or to change in your attitude and behaviour toward wealth.
Listen, with trust for what he is saying, because, "the Lord is full of compassion and mercy." - James 5:11
~ Pastor Joe
Upcoming Services
(Pastor Joe Abbey-Colborne unless otherwise noted)
The Book of James
Sunday, February 16 - Restoring Others / True Wisdom; James 5:19-20, 3:13-18, 4:1-10
Sunday, February 23 - Summary and Conclusion; James 1:1-26
Sunday, March 2 - Sam Kamminga Shared lunch following the service!
God is in the business of transforming — recreating, rebuilding, and renewing all kinds of things: lives, friendships, marriages, organizations, cities, tribes, and nations. He invites us to participate with him in this. He calls it “following him." We call it our mission.
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Beliefs and Values
Our church name is Immanuel which means “God with us.” Our name is one of our foundational beliefs – that God is with us in everything that happens. Immanuel is one of the names of Jesus, God’s own Son, who came into this world . . .
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Worship at Immanuel
Worship at Immanuel is a time for our community to gather together to bring praise to God, to share our lives and stories with each other, and to hear what God has to say to us through the Bible. Our hope is that worship mirrors our relationship with God, and so gives us opportunity as a community to pray, sing, reflect, lament, offer, listen, and respond to the challenges of the Bible. Through the Holy Spirit, we pray that our worship will transform our lives so that we grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Serving at Immanuel
New to Immanuel and have some questions? Well, we have answers! Click the link below to view our frequently asked questions to learn more about Immanuel Christian Reformed Church!
“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him. Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.”
1 Chronicles 16:29
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